Sunday, June 22, 2008

Extra-reno costings

hello folks!

lol me & the bf have been spending the weekends trawling various shops etc to look at what extra-reno costs will be, so here's just a rough gauge to share with you guys- just so you'll get as horrified as me. *grin*

TV: $1700
cooker hob/ hood: $1000
Air con system 4: $4500
Fridge: $1000
Oven: $ 800
Washing Machine: $ 600
Vacuum cleaner: $ 200
Fan: $ 200
Instant Heater: $ 200
Airpot: $ 70
Rice Cooker: $ 90

Curtains: $ 300
Dining Table: $ 800
Sofa: $1600
Bed Frame: $ 700
Matress: $1000
Bed sheets: $ 200
Study Table: $ 500
Coffee Table: $ 200
Working Chair: $ 200

Est. Grand Total: $15860

think i might pop by singapore pools to buy some hope ;)

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